Evaluating HR Function: A Methodical Approach

Assessing the effectiveness of HR functions can be a daunting task for many organizations.

This article provides a clear, step-by-step methodology to evaluate your HR capabilities against industry best practices.

You'll learn how to establish evaluation criteria, collect objective data, analyze performance gaps through benchmarking, and formulate data-driven recommendations for continuous improvement.

Introduction to Evaluating HR Function

Evaluating the effectiveness of the HR function is a critical exercise for organizations looking to optimize their human capital strategy. Assessing HR performance provides insight into how well the function is delivering on talent acquisition, development, retention and other priorities tied to business objectives.

This article will cover best practices for undertaking an HR function evaluation, including:

Importance of HR Function Assessment

Conducting periodic assessments of the HR function is important for several reasons:

The main goal of evaluation is to determine what's working well and what needs improvement to enhance how HR supports wider organizational success.

Defining HR Effectiveness

When assessing the effectiveness of the HR function, there are a few key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure:

Tracking these KPIs over time, paired with a review of HR processes and strategy, provides quantitative and qualitative data to evaluate an HR department's overall effectiveness.

How do you evaluate HR function?

Evaluating the effectiveness of the HR function is critical for organizations that want to optimize their human capital strategy. There are several key metrics HR leaders should track to measure performance:


This tracks the average number of days between posting a job and making an offer to a candidate. Lower times-to-hire indicate an efficient recruiting process. Best practice is to aim for 30 days or less.


This tracks the average cost of making one hire. This includes expenses like job board fees, recruiter salaries, etc. Lower costs-per-hire mean greater recruiting efficiency. Experts recommend staying under $4,000 per hire.

Employee Engagement Rate

This tracks the percentage of employees who report feeling actively engaged with their work. Higher engagement correlates with better retention and performance. Aim for an engagement rate above 70%.


This tracks total company revenue divided by the number of employees. Growth in revenue-per-employee over time reflects greater workforce productivity.

Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)

This tracks employees' likelihood to recommend the company as a place to work. Higher eNPS indicates greater employee satisfaction and loyalty. Top employers score above 30.

Regrettable Turnover Rate

This tracks the percentage of high performers who voluntarily leave. Lower regrettable turnover means better retention of top talent. Experts recommend 10% or less.

Manager Effectiveness Score

This tracks employee satisfaction with their direct manager through surveys or reviews. Higher scores indicate managers who engage and develop team members effectively.

Employee Retention Rate

This tracks the percentage of employees who remain employed year-over-year. Higher rates reflect better talent retention. For skilled positions, aim for at least 80% retention.

Regularly monitoring these metrics provides data-backed insights into the health and performance of HR programs. This enables evidence-based decision making to continuously refine policies, processes, and strategies over time.

How do you evaluate HR capability?

Evaluating HR capability requires a methodical, step-by-step approach to assess current practices and identify opportunities for improvement. Here are the key steps:

Define your business strategy

The first step is to clearly articulate the organization's business strategy and goals. This provides crucial context for identifying the workforce capabilities needed to execute that strategy. Key activities include:

Analyze your workforce profile

With the strategy defined, conduct an analysis of the current workforce profile. Gather data on demographics, skills capacities, engagement levels, and turnover rates. Look for alignment gaps between workforce capacity and strategic targets.

Identify your workforce needs

Compare the findings from the workforce analysis to the defined business strategy. Determine priority workforce needs such as:

Evaluate your HR practices

Assess how existing HR programs and processes map to the identified workforce needs. Look for gaps where new or enhanced practices may be required. Key areas to evaluate include:

Develop your HR plan

With all analyses complete, create a strategic HR plan that addresses short and long-term workforce needs. Define each program initiative, required resources and metrics for success. Focus on capabilities needing improvement.

Here's what else to consider

Following this methodology enables an accurate evaluation of HR capabilities against strategic business objectives. It provides data-backed guidance for strengthening the function over time.

How do you evaluate HR strategy?

Evaluating and updating your HR strategy periodically is critical to ensuring your workforce initiatives align with your organization's goals and direction. Here is a step-by-step methodology to assess and enhance your HR strategy:

Assess your current state

Define your desired state

Identify the gaps and root causes

Develop your action plan

Implement your action plan

Evaluate your results and update your HR strategy

This provides an overview of key steps in the ongoing process of evaluating and enhancing HR strategy. Additional considerations include benchmarking against peers, leveraging external partners where helpful, and customizing the approach based on organizational needs and maturity level. The goal is to take a data-driven approach to ensure HR initiatives deliver value and propel organizational success.

How do you evaluate an HR system?

Evaluating an HR system requires a methodical, step-by-step approach to ensure you select the right solution to meet your organization's needs. Here are some best practices to follow:

Analyze the Current System

Conduct an assessment of your existing HR system and processes. Identify what is working well and what pain points need to be addressed. Gather feedback from key stakeholders across the organization to understand user experiences and where there are gaps or opportunities for improvement. This will establish a baseline to measure potential new systems against.

Do a Strategy

Define the objectives and priorities you want the new system to achieve. Link these goals back to overall business strategy. Common targets include improving efficiency, enabling managers with self-service access to data, facilitating collaboration, standardizing processes, and leveraging analytics for data-driven decisions. Outline must-have functionality.

Gather the Right Resources

Assemble an evaluation team with representatives across the organization. Include stakeholders in HR, IT, Finance, Operations, and end-users of the system. Subject matter experts in areas like payroll and compliance are also beneficial. This cross-functional group will provide diverse perspectives.

Establish Evaluation Criteria

Develop a list of your most critical criteria and rank by level of importance. Common considerations include capabilities, ease of use, security, scalability, total cost of ownership, vendor viability, implementation timeline, and support availability. Align criteria back to goals, priorities, and needs analysis.

Request Demos

Use your criteria as the foundation to create a demo script. This structured approach allows you to see the same scenarios and compare solutions equally. Focus demos on your unique use cases and pain points. Ask each vendor the same questions and pay attention to responses and what is shown.

Perform Due Diligence

Conduct reference checks with organizations similar to yours using the system. Research vendors online. Validate promised functionality, support satisfaction, and vendor financial stability. Consider analyst reports like Gartner. Narrow down to leading choices.

Make an Informed Decision

Score solutions individually against each criterion. Compare composite scores to make data-driven decision aligned back to your goals and priorities for the HR system rather than relying on gut feelings. Select system that best fits your needs.


Pre-Evaluation Considerations

Evaluating the HR function requires careful planning and preparation to ensure the process is comprehensive, insightful, and actionable. Here are some key considerations before beginning the evaluation.

Establishing Evaluation Criteria

To effectively evaluate the HR function, it is critical to first establish clear criteria and benchmarks for success. Useful metrics to assess include:

Benchmarking against top competitors and high-performing organizations contextualizes assessment results.

Stakeholder Engagement

HR should collaborate with key stakeholders throughout the evaluation, including:

Involving stakeholders ensures evaluation insights reflect diverse needs and aligns HR priorities accordingly.

Resource Allocation for Evaluation

Adequately resourcing the evaluation initiative is vital for success. Key considerations include:

Proper planning and resourcing of the evaluation enables evidence-based insights to enhance HR function effectiveness.

Methodology for HR Function Evaluation

Outlining a clear, step-by-step methodology for evaluating the HR function is key to identifying areas for improvement and enhancement. This process should involve careful planning, comprehensive data collection and analysis, and an objective assessment framework.

Planning and Preparation

Prior to evaluation, key prerequisites include:

Taking the time to thoughtfully prepare will ensure an effective, insightful evaluation.

Data Collection Strategies

Robust data should be gathered across areas like:

Both quantitative and qualitative data provides a holistic view. Surveys, interviews, focus groups, and analyzing HRIS records allows for data triangulation.

Objective Assessment Techniques

With reliable data gathered, current performance can be compared to goals across metrics like:

Gaps can be identified between actual and target performance. Root causes should then be further analyzed through methods like process mapping workshops.

Following this methodology allows for an accurate, in-depth assessment of the HR function. It serves as the foundation for developing data-driven strategies for enhancement.

Analyzing HR Function Performance

Evaluating and enhancing the HR function requires a methodical, data-driven approach focused on identifying performance gaps and improvement opportunities against industry benchmarks.

Benchmarking and Gap Analysis

To accurately evaluate the HR function, key performance indicators (KPIs) should be tracked over time and benchmarked against top quartile standards. Useful KPIs include:

Comparing these KPIs against industry averages or high-performing companies in the same sector reveals performance gaps. A deeper analysis into the root causes of underperformance is then conducted through surveys, interviews, focus groups, and process evaluation.

This benchmarking and gap analysis illuminates the weakest points across talent acquisition, development, retention and provides the foundation for improvement initiatives.

Formulating Actionable Recommendations

With performance gaps identified, specific and measurable recommendations can be developed to close these gaps. Useful guidelines when formulating recommendations include:

For example, if talent acquisition KPIs show an excessive time-to-hire, recommendations may include implementing AI screening to accelerate early recruitment stages or enhancing the candidate experience through recruitment marketing automation.

Effective Reporting Techniques

Findings and recommendations should be compiled into executive reports supported by data visualizations. Useful reporting best practices include:

Leveraging data visualizations ensures key insights are quickly digested while providing the depth to justify recommendations. This drives management alignment on the improvement strategy.

With a structured evaluation methodology, HR leaders can continually optimize their function, close performance gaps, and enhance their organization's human capital strategy.

Implementation and Improvement Cycle

Implementing recommendations and tracking ongoing progress is critical for realizing the full value of any HR evaluation. This requires strategic communication for change management, prioritizing and executing key initiatives, and monitoring performance through relevant KPIs.

Strategic Communication for Change Management

Effective change management ensures stakeholder alignment, adoption, and sustained transformation. Strategies include:

Prioritizing and Executing Initiatives

With multiple recommendations, prioritization is key. Consider:

Develop detailed project plans outlining:

Continuous Improvement and KPI Tracking

Measure ongoing performance to ensure initiatives achieve desired ROI. Useful approaches include:

Continuously evaluating data, linking HR contributions to strategic goals, and course-correcting ensures lasting positive impact.

Case Studies and Real-World Examples

Success Stories in HR Function Transformation

The clothing retailer Zappos provides an excellent case study for successfully transforming the HR function through methodical evaluation. As the company grew rapidly, leadership recognized a need to scale and enhance their people operations. They conducted an extensive assessment, surveying employees to benchmark the current culture and identify gaps between actual and desired culture. This enabled them to pinpoint specific areas needing improvement.

Based on the evaluation findings, Zappos refocused their HR strategy on more clearly conveying company values to employees, building manager capabilities, and boosting employee engagement through enhanced internal communications. Over several years they methodically introduced new practices like manager training programs, a peer-to-peer social recognition platform, and company-wide meetings to reinforce cultural values. Surveys showed employee satisfaction with corporate culture rising from 81% to 86% over three years as a result.

Lessons Learned from HR Assessments

A common pitfall when evaluating HR functions is failing to connect findings to concrete actions. For example, one tech firm conducted an extensive evaluation showing concerns over unclear career progression. However, they never followed up by introducing mechanisms for managers to provide mentorship opportunities and skills training to help develop high-potential employees. This oversight led to decreased retention over the next few years.

Another lesson learned is the need to repeat assessments at regular intervals, rather than treating them as one-off initiatives. HR processes need continual optimization, so ongoing evaluations enable companies to gauge progress over time. For instance, repeating a cultural assessment every 2-3 years provides crucial insights on whether new HR programs are having the desired impact based on longitudinal employee survey data.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Regularly evaluating the HR function is critical for identifying areas for improvement, aligning with business goals, and driving organizational success. By following the step-by-step methodology outlined, HR professionals can thoroughly assess their current state, benchmark against industry standards, and implement changes to enhance their function.

Recap of HR Evaluation Benefits

Conducting periodic evaluations of the HR function provides many advantages, including:

Planning for Future HR Assessments

To ensure continuous improvement after an initial HR evaluation, it is important to plan for regular reassessments. Best practices include:

With a methodical approach and commitment to regular reevaluation, HR professionals can optimize their function to fully support business goals and workforce needs over time.

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