Here you'll find the most up-to-date information about flight cancellations, how to report or check the status of a delayed bag, and the best ways to contact us.
If you are booked to travel on any of our impacted services, we will contact you directly and advise you of your booking options.
If your flight has unfortunately been cancelled you have 3 options:
You can also check the exact status of your flight, or whether you flight has been cancelled if travelling today or tomorrow:
We understand the inconvenience delayed baggage can cause, please rest assured, we will do everything possible to return your bag as quickly as we can and 90% of all delayed bags are returned to customers within 5 days.
If you're waiting for an update on a bag you have reported as delayed, you can check the status of your bag below.
Please ensure your name, latest address, flight information and bag type details are correct, so we can better identify and return your bag as soon as possible.